Directed by and starring Seth Green, the film follows two estranged best friends on a life-changing adventure in Thailand. This epic trip reminds them that there's no problem that friendship and a few rounds in a Muay Thai boxing ring can't fix. Also starring Macaulay Culkin, Breckin Meyer (Robot Chicken), and Brenda Song (Station 19).
Directed by and starring Seth Green, the film follows two estranged best friends on a life-changing adventure in Thailand. This epic trip reminds them that there's no problem that friendship and a few rounds in a Muay Thai boxing ring can't fix. Also starring Macaulay Culkin, Breckin Meyer (Robot Chicken), and Brenda Song (Station 19).
Directed by and starring Seth Green, the film follows two estranged best friends on a life-changing adventure in Thailand. This epic trip reminds them that there's no problem that friendship and a few rounds in a Muay Thai boxing ring can't fix. Also starring Macaulay Culkin, Breckin Meyer (Robot Chicken), and Brenda Song (Station 19).