Broken began in the summer of 2003, leading worship for youth groups and other church events in Northern Arkansas and Southern Missouri. With an expansion of members and audience, their vision became two fold: to proclaim the love of Jesus and to see lives changed by Him. The band's name reflects the change in Jesus and in us. As He was changed from the one served to a servant when he came to earth, his children must break their pride in order for God to use them to His glory. Broken wishes to be relevant instruments through which God speaks to our postmodern world. They understand this world, as practically the entire band serves as worship or youth leaders in their local churches. The band has won several talent contests in recent months, continues to play in numerous venues, and has recently recorded their first CD. Their website helps them connect with their fans. Broken strives to be the same whether they are on or off stage, desiring first and foremost to lead others to Christ.